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Welcome to our FAQ, we are so happy to have you here and as a client.
We have tried to answer the most common questions.

Shipping & Returns

Below are some common questions about shipping, returns, and exchanges

Do you ship internationally?

This is an example of a response that you might give. It's good to be as thorough as possible in responses as that has a tendency to improve trust overall.

When will my order be shipped?

Use this text to answer questions in as much detail as possible for your customers.

What is your return policy?

Use this text to answer questions in as much detail as possible for your customers.

How long will it take until I receive my order?

Use this text to answer questions in as much detail as possible for your customers.


Below are some of are common questions about orders

How do I make a purchase?

Use this text to answer questions in as much detail as possible for your customers.

How do I know if my order is confirmed?

Use this text to answer questions in as much detail as possible for your customers.

Can I change my shipping address after my order is placed?

Use this text to answer questions in as much detail as possible for your customers.

Can I change my billing address after placing my order?

Use this text to answer questions in as much detail as possible for your customers.


Below are some common questions about our products

What size should I order?

Use this text to answer questions in as much detail as possible for your customers.

Where can I find information on sustainability?

Use this text to answer questions in as much detail as possible for your customers.

Do you offer gift cards?

Use this text to answer questions in as much detail as possible for your customers.

Didn’t find your answer?

Don't hestitate to contact us