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Selling internationally

Easily adapt to diverse markets through the implementation of language and currency switchers.

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Mega menu

Unlock the potential of mega menus, engaging users with eye-catching banners.

Popup newsletter

Take advantage of email marketing and benefit from a cost-effective way to promote your website.

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Mobile shopping made easy

Carousel swipes and popup closing feature create a seamless mobile shopping experience like a native app for your customers.

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Sticky cart

Maintain visibility of the add-to-cart button throughout the customer's scrolling journey to enhance sales.

Free shipping message

Utilize a prominent message to inform customers about the availability of free shipping.

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Multi-images variant

Associating multiple images with each option, allows shoppers to gain a more understanding of the product.

Before/after slider

Demonstrate the changes in the product through an engaging slider.

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Cart notes

Let customers add special instructions or requests to their orders.

Countdown timer

Create urgency and excitement with a countdown timer.

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Hero video

Combines the power of video with the eye-catching design of a hero banner.

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Sibling products

Visualize products that share some characteristics with the one being viewed.

Cookie banner

A banner that asks customers for permission to track their data, under EU's GDPR.

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Highlighted text

Highlight crucial details using vivid markers. Various styles. Extend its length slightly.

Product badges

Enhance product visibility and customer knowledge by incorporating informative labels.

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Discover the latest trends with stunning lookbook. Browse products through any stunning picture.

Product tabs

Ensure the product information is displayed in a well-structured manner within tabbed sections.

Testimonial banner

Establish trust and credibility by showcasing customer testimonials.

Scrolling text

Grab attention with a captivating horizontal text banner.

Color swatches

Choose product options with swatches. HEX codes and images are supported.

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Pickup availability

Display in-store pickup options to enhance customer convenience.

Beautiful collages

Create stunning image collages to captivate visitors and showcase products.

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FAQ page

Provide comprehensive answers to common customer questions.

High customizable specifications

Present product specifications in a customizable format.

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Visual timeline

Illustrate milestones, achievements, or product development journey.

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Rich detail banner

Engage customers with an interactive image banner with text descriptions.

RTL support

Cater to international customers with right-to-left language support.

In-category banner

Display banners within category pages to promote products or collections.

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Grid images scrolling banner

Enhance your online experience with our interactive image grid.